Creative Strategy

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Creating performance-driven content that truly makes an impact is challenging. While brands may think they need video, what they actually want is results. Video is a powerful tool to achieve those results—it’s just a matter of using it effectively. For the past decade, we’ve specialised in boosting revenue and delivering exceptional results for e-commerce brands by crafting high-converting performance creatives and paid ads, so trust us when we say you're in safe hands.


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If you're looking for a London based video production company that oozes creativity, we're the crew for you!

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Let’s talk!

If you're looking for a London based video production company that oozes creativity, we're the crew for you!

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What is a Creative Strategy?

A creative strategy for ecommerce brands involves crafting targeted, compelling content that drives traffic, engagement, and sales. By leveraging market research and audience insights, it ensures your messaging resonates with potential customers. This focused approach leads to higher conversion rates, increased revenue, and improved return on ad spend.

Behind the scenes filming with Proviz Sports

Why do I need a strategy before creating videos & images?

Think of creating videos and images without a strategy like baking a cake without a recipe—you might get lucky, but more often than not, you’ll end up with a hot mess.

A strategy is your blueprint, ensuring your visuals aren’t just pretty, but purposeful. It defines who your audience is, what you want them to do, and how to best reach them. Without it, you’re throwing content into the void, hoping something sticks. With a strategy, you’re creating targeted, intentional content that actually drives results.

In short: a strategy makes sure your videos and images aren’t just eye candy—they’re also brain fuel.

Video without a strategy is a waste of time. It’s like setting sail with no idea where you’re going—you’ll get lost and never reach your goal. This is exactly why brands get frustrated with video, thinking it’s a money pit that never delivers results. Without a solid creative strategy, they’re right.


Trusted by

Based in the heart of London, Shoreditch, we are a video production company engineered to help brands rocket their revenue with social first video content and Youtube video production.

Since incorporation our drive to deliver beautiful visuals with winning results is what fuels our agency and our track record to do so, is second to none.

If you're looking for a non-corporate video agency that likes to make noise & create impact, we're your people. Let's chat.

Based in the heart of London, Shoreditch, we've been lucky over the years to be trusted by world leading London based brands & Youtubers.
Our drive to deliver beautiful visuals with winning results is what fuels our agency.

See, we're not just any video production company, we're number people! Meaning we understand how to use video content to generate you a return on your investment as well create noise & impact.

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Trusted by

Based in the heart of London, Shoreditch, we are a video production company engineered to help brands rocket their revenue with social first video content and Youtube video production.

Since incorporation our drive to deliver beautiful visuals with winning results is what fuels our agency and our track record to do so, is second to none.

If you're looking for a non-corporate video agency that likes to make noise & create impact, we're your people. Let's chat.

Based in the heart of London, Shoreditch, we've been lucky over the years to be trusted by world leading London based brands & Youtubers.
Our drive to deliver beautiful visuals with winning results is what fuels our agency.

See, we're not just any video production company, we're number people! Meaning we understand how to use video content to generate you a return on your investment as well create noise & impact.

Blakely Pink logoZone 3 Pink LogoRenapur pink logoRocks off pink logoJoel and sons pinkJoel and sons pinkJoel and sons pink

So, what does the Creative Strategy process look like?

If you want to drive serious growth and revenue with your performance creatives, there are five steps you absolutely need to follow. Miss even one, and you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Step 1: Brand

We often see brands dive into creative work without really understanding their own identity, target audience, or how to connect with them effectively. In this phase, we’ll dig deep into your brand to make sure your positioning, purpose, mission, vision, and values align with your performance creative goals. We’ll identify your customers' pain points and the real and emotional benefits of what you offer. Then, we’ll figure out the best way to express your brand and communicate with your audience. From then on, every piece of creative work will be held to these standards.

Step 2: Customer Evidence

Half of your brand’s identity comes from how your customers see you, not just how you see yourself. So, now that you’ve got a clear picture of who you are, it’s time to get to know your audience inside and out to figure out what will actually drive conversions.

We need to dig into everything about them—the media they consume, their lifestyle, emotions, influencers, community, pain points, habits, media consumption patterns, financial situation, and more. We’ll gather this info from reviews, online forums, website analytics, research, purchase data, and other sources. Once we have all this data, we’ll create detailed persona templates to map out the different customer segments that buy your products.

Step 3: Creative Ideation

Creative ideation can be one of the biggest headaches for our clients. The idea needs to tell your story and message which we’ve identified in the previous two stages so it’s in the best position to convert new customers. All of your ideas need to be accountable to step 1 & 2, if not your ads won't convert.

Step 4: Paid Media

Now it's time to turn on the media buying tap. There was an era where performance didn't need good creative, but that’s long gone. In 2024, your creative is half of your targeting strategy. If you don’t use your creative to truly connect with and convert your customers, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

Tip: Make sure your creative is crafted specifically and authentically for the platform where you’re spending your budget.

Step 5: Testing & Iterations

You should never create just one video. You need to create a suite of creative assets native for each platform & that varies in USPs, pain points, hooks & CTAs. Having full transparency over ad sets is mega important to ensure you can react to the live data & change your creative to suit.

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Why should you trust Trendy Grandad with your creative strategy?

You should trust Trendy Grandad with your creative strategy because we’re the cool grandad who knows all the tricks—blending old-school wisdom with cutting-edge trends. We understand how to combine classic storytelling with the latest data-driven insights to create strategies that don’t just look good, but actually deliver.

We don’t just follow trends—we set them. With years of experience and an eye for what’s coming next, we craft creative strategies that speak directly to your audience and get measurable results. Plus, we’re a bit like grandad: reliable, always ready with advice, and here to make sure you win, every time.

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"The Trendy Grandad crew ooze creativity"

Working with TrendyGrandad was not only a joy & pleasure, they delivered the best possible video, creative assets and campaign, to set us up for brilliant conversion over our peak period and the launch of our new product range. They made any changes to creative storytelling possible throughout the creative & digital project & on the days of the shoot, they brought a professional, calm and knowledgeable aura to the table, that ensured everyone continued to work hard and get the best execution. They just ooze creativity and know social media video production like the back of their hand, they also took so much care to understand our values, branding and advertising campaign which made a huge difference to the final output! We are already outperforming any previous creative in terms of ROAS on Meta by 25% and our engagement and trends are rising everyday! Would highly recommend them for your next collaboration or campaign!

View Work

Sue Ritzdorf | Chief Marketing Officer | Proviz Sports

Let’s talk!

If you're looking for a London based video production company that oozes creativity, we're the crew for you!

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Frequently asked questions

How can I track return on investment if I invest in video production?

We hold many years experience adopting various methods of tracking metrics to help give our clients ROI figures whilst delivering the message through our films. Examples of how we do this lie in the form of trackable links, emails, interactive video and pairing creative with various forms of paid campaigns. We pride ourselves on being data driven.

What are the stages of video production?

Video production involves several stages, each crucial to creating a compelling and effective visual story. The production process typically consists of three main stages: pre-production, production, and post-production.

Our clients at Trendy Grandad going through a comprehensive signing off process through every stage of the production & all stages are produced by us in-house.

How long does video production take?

When the time comes we have over a decade of experience moving quickly producing premium video ads however it doesn't always have to be fast moving.

Allowing a project to breathe & to gain valuable feedback can massively improve a productions quality, if the time allows.