Performance Creative Video Production

$ 0.00 USD

Ultimately brands care about revenue first, our expert performance creative knowledge unlocks how ecommerce, retailer & dtc brands can use creative to increase their return on ad spends, decrease ad fatigue and increase their click through rates.


So, what is Performance Creative?

Performance Creative is videos, images & graphics that is specifically created to sell products or services. Often used by ecommerce, retailer & dtc brands to increase their performance marketing metrics, when strategic ads are created brands often see growth and an increase in conversion.

Trendy Grandad Video Production filming in Loft Studios, London.
Behind the scenes filming with Trendy Grandad in London

How is a performance creative agency different to a traditional video production company?

Trendy Grandad started as a traditional video production company creating one-off video ads for brands & businesses. However, we soon realised that brands cared far more about their revenue and the shelf life of a large expensive video didn't fulfil their marketing needs. That's why we believe incorporating creative strategy & managed testing blended with our performance creative offering truly helps increase our customers bottom line. Now, 90% of our customers work with Trendy Grandad on a monthly subscription basis to deliver highly converting performance creative consistently; ultimately reducing ad fatigue, increasing click through rates & increasing return on ad spend.

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Why should you trust Trendy Grandad with your performance creative video production?

We’re usually pretty modest, but since you asked… Our team has been in the digital video production business for over a decade, partnering with brands across all creative areas. So, we know exactly what it takes to craft a one-of-a-kind video (and trust us, it’s not easy). But it's not just our experience that sets us apart— we genuinely love making online content that’s impossible to ignore. We also get a bit nerdy about targeting ads to the right audience, ensuring you get a great return on investment.

The difference between performance creative and traditional video production is like comparing a sprint to a marathon, let us prove it to you;

Traditional video production is your classic approach—big budgets, lengthy timelines, and polished visuals meant to make an emotional or lasting impact. Think of it like a Hollywood film: beautiful, carefully crafted, and aiming to tell a great story, sometimes without an immediate need for results.

Performance creative, on the other hand, is the data-driven speedster. It’s all about producing quick, conversion-focused content, designed to grab attention and drive measurable actions (like clicks or sales). It’s nimble, optimized for performance (hence the name), and often built for social media or online ads. Think snackable, bite-sized videos that adapt fast, test faster, and perform even faster.

One wants you to remember it forever; the other just wants you to click “buy now."

Should you invest in a performance creative video retainer?

A performance creative retainer is like having a personal trainer for your marketing—constantly working to keep things in top shape. Instead of one-off projects where you hope everything goes right, a retainer gives you ongoing, strategic support with regular content updates and optimisations.

Why is that good for you? Well, it means you’re always armed with fresh, high-performing creative. You can test different ideas, refine what’s working, and quickly pivot if something’s not hitting the mark. It’s flexible, data-driven, and allows you to adapt to changing trends or audience behaviours without starting from scratch every time.

In short, it’s a steady pipeline of content that’s tuned to deliver results—so you’re not just keeping up, you’re staying ahead.

Let’s talk!

If you're looking for a London based video production company that oozes creativity, we're the crew for you!

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Frequently asked questions

How can I track return on investment if I invest in video production?

We hold many years experience adopting various methods of tracking metrics to help give our clients ROI figures whilst delivering the message through our films. Examples of how we do this lie in the form of trackable links, emails, interactive video and pairing creative with various forms of paid campaigns. We pride ourselves on being data driven.

What are the stages of video production?

Video production involves several stages, each crucial to creating a compelling and effective visual story. The production process typically consists of three main stages: pre-production, production, and post-production.

Our clients at Trendy Grandad going through a comprehensive signing off process through every stage of the production & all stages are produced by us in-house.

How long does video production take?

When the time comes we have over a decade of experience moving quickly producing premium video ads however it doesn't always have to be fast moving.

Allowing a project to breathe & to gain valuable feedback can massively improve a productions quality, if the time allows.