Creator Led UGC Video

Creator Led UGC Video

$ 0.00 USD

In 2024, consumers crave authenticity more than ever, driving a massive surge in User Generated Content. Trendy Grandad helps brands connect with creators and produce more low-fi content to keep up with the high volume social platforms now demand. There's no dodging this trend—it’s just a matter of when you'll embrace it.

1 week
TikTok Style & Creator Led ads
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In today’s crowded digital landscape, authenticity is more important than ever. That’s where our Creator-Led Content and User-Generated Content (UGC) Video Services come in. We focus on creating real, genuine connections by working directly with content creators and everyday users. This approach helps your brand cut through the noise, build genuine trust with your audience, and drive meaningful engagement.

When you partner with us, you’re not just getting content—you’re tapping into the power of real voices and authentic experiences. We’ll help you leverage these connections to elevate your brand’s presence and hit your marketing goals out of the park. In a world where being genuine matters most, we ensure your content stands out and resonates deeply with your audience.

Creator Led Content for Prima Lashes

Why You'll Love Creator-Led Content and UGC Videos

1. Authenticity and Trust:
People want real, relatable content. Creator-led and UGC videos build trust and loyalty faster than you can say “influencer.”

2. Wallet-Friendly Marketing:
Say goodbye to sky-high production costs. UGC and creator-led content can be a budget-friendly option and super diverse.

3. Mega Engagement:
Content from peers or fave influencers gets more likes, shares, and comments. It’s simple math!

4. Build a Community:
When your audience creates content, they become your biggest fans. Instant brand advocates!

5. Fresh and Diverse:  
UGC and creator-led content bring new perspectives, making your brand appeal to a broader crowd.

Our Founder, Stokely, speaking on stage at TikTok HQ in London

Our Awesome Services

1. Influencer Collaboration: 
We hook you up with influencers who make your brand look amazing.

2. UGC Campaign Management: 
From start to finish, we handle UGC campaigns that get your audience talking (and sharing!).

3. Content Curation and Optimisation: 
We pick and polish the best creator-led and UGC videos to match your brand’s vibe.

4. Analytics and Reporting:  
We track everything, giving you the lowdown on what’s working and how to improve.

Let’s Make Your Brand Shine!

Join the future of marketing with our Creator-Led Content and UGC Video Services. We’ll help you create real, engaging content that your audience will love. Reach out today and let’s get started!

Creating User Generated Content for Fhirst Drinks!

Frequently asked questions

How can I track return on investment if I invest in video production?

We hold many years experience adopting various methods of tracking metrics to help give our clients ROI figures whilst delivering the message through our films. Examples of how we do this lie in the form of trackable links, emails, interactive video and pairing creative with various forms of paid campaigns. We pride ourselves on being data driven.

What are the stages of video production?

Video production involves several stages, each crucial to creating a compelling and effective visual story. The production process typically consists of three main stages: pre-production, production, and post-production.

Our clients at Trendy Grandad going through a comprehensive signing off process through every stage of the production & all stages are produced by us in-house.

How long does video production take?

When the time comes we have over a decade of experience moving quickly producing premium video ads however it doesn't always have to be fast moving.

Allowing a project to breathe & to gain valuable feedback can massively improve a productions quality, if the time allows.